Casino credit is a convenient way to gamble without handling large amounts of cash.
It functions a lot like an interest-free line of credit joker12, except that the money is only
available to use within the casino. The gambler can ask the pit or table games
department for chips with the credit, which is delivered along with a small check
called a marker. The casino gives the marker to the player, who then uses it to draw
funds at any casino table or slot machine.
Casinos may be tempted to lend a little bit of their own money for players who are
unable or unwilling to manage their own bankrolls However, it’s important to
remember that gambling on credit comes with certain risks and responsibilities. If a
patron cannot control their gambling habits, they can quickly run up huge debts. In
some cases, this can lead to bankruptcy. Luckily, most casinos are willing to give
players a chance to manage their gambling responsibly.
To qualify for a casino credit line, a gambler must first meet the minimum credit
score requirements and prove that he or she is creditworthy. In addition, a gambler
must have a minimum amount of money in a checking account at the time of
application. The credit manager must also be able to determine that the applicant
has the ability to repay any outstanding balances.
The casino will also check the patron’s credit history through Central Credit, a
service that was established in 1956 and later purchased by Global Cash Access
(now Everi). Casinos use Central Credit to find out what other casinos the gambler
has visited and his or her credit history at those casinos. If a gambler isn’t paying
back his or her markers, the casino will know it. The casino can then decide whether
or not to extend the credit line.
When casinos do extend lines of credit, they often set the maximum amount a
player can borrow based on his or her total spending history at the casino. This can
include winnings and losses, so the casino is able to measure a gambler’s overall
behavior. This information is shared among all participating casinos in the Central
Credit database. The data is used to help responsible gambling efforts, and it can
also be a useful tool for problem gamblers.
If a gambler fails to pay back his or her markers, the casino can notify him or her by
certified letter. Generally, the casino will try to collect from the bank account that
was listed on the credit application. If the casino is unable to get its money from that
account, it will turn the matter over to an attorney who can help the gambler
develop a repayment plan. In some states, failure to repay a marker can result in a
stiff criminal penalty. If a gambler receives this letter, it is a good idea to contact an
attorney as soon as possible. Doing so can help the gambler avoid harsh penalties
that can include jail time and a permanent record.